Hi, I’m Aleksandra


I have a passion for building products, brands, and communities with 15 years of experience in startups, marketing, content marketing, branding, and event management.
Genuinely interested in companies that strive to make a positive impact in the world.

I’m also an experienced event organizer and helped to run a number of large tech conferences, hackathons, and meetups, including: Startup Addventure, StartupWeekend, AngelHack, MindTheProduct, SAASTR Annual, Global Blockchain Forum.

In my spair time, I organize TEDxAmsterdamWomen and ProductTank Amsterdam events, contribute to building product communities and share what I’ve learned via mentorship and consulting.

I believe in making the world a better place through our work.

Let’s work together
I’m always looking for new projects and products to work on. If you think I can be helpful or you just want to chat about tech, products, or design, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line or connect on Linkedin! 😊