What am I focusing on these days? This page is updated frequently and inspired by the Now page movement.
- Currently, I'm in San Francisco for a few more months! Totally enjoying. ✨
- Working in the crypto space is very interesting. And being in the startups/VC world has always been my cup of tea. Missing the days I worked at the accelerator! 🙃
- Joined a wonderful team (as a side project) building a community for girls in SF. We do cool workouts (totally free!), events and workshops for women, and more cool stuff coming soon. 👯
- Working on one more *side project*. All weekends and evenings are now busy. 🙄
- Taking online class on Blockchain technology on Coursera. Missing the deadlines though. 😱
- Still help organizing ProductTank meetups in Lviv, now remotely.
- Blogs and newsletters about all things tech are always a huge part of my daily life. The recent favorite is The Interface by Casey Newton. Seriously love it.
- To learn more about crypto I joined the Token Daily community. Totally recommend!
- Listening to podcasts on Breaker daily, mostly about tech news, crypto, products, mindfulness.
- Going to yoga regularly (finally!).
- The books I’m reading now are One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez and finishing The Power of Now.
- I tweet much more often now. And snapchating. Barely use Facebook and Instagram, and not missing it at all. Also love Kiyo, check it out!
- Excited to see more girls starting their own companies! I met Alexa on twitter first and now IRL, she is working on project around mental health and mindfulness. Something I was thinking of working on too, and would one day.
Last update: January, 2018
What I was up to:
December 2017
November 2017